Come on moms, you know slime is all the rage now! Naturally, you think “slime” and automatically cringe at the thought of it sticking to your brand new couches. I know I did! But the kids really do love it, and it keeps them busy for hours…AND it’s safe and mess free! Check out this…
Grandma's Corner
Cookie Dough Safety
Cookie baking isn’t just for Christmas time. In my household, we bake cookies for almost every holiday, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. I’ve always enjoyed baking with my children, and now, my grandchildren. We take cookie baking very seriously in my house, so I always made sure to have my favorite sugar cookie recipe…
Baby Proofing For Grandbabies
It’s the season for family and with that, comes my Swiss grandbaby, Audrey. Since Stacie gave birth to Audrey last year, I’m now able to look forward to not only Stacie and Joel visiting, but also my little Audrey. My first granddaughter, Sophie, wasn’t as active or curious like my Audrey is. I learned very…
Sophie Loves Jake!
We used to say, “It’s Sophie’s world and we just live in it.” She definitely was the little star in our family. So, naturally when baby Jake was born, we were a little concerned about Miss Sophie sharing the spotlight. I don’t know how she knows, but she knows baby Jake is HER brother! She…
Welcoming The Newest Grandchild!
Announcing, Jake Warren Carlson! Delivery day went smoothly and Jessica was a rockstar during the entire process. Daddy received the honor of cutting the cord attached to his brand new son. To see Jessica holding her new son, with tears streaming down her face, there was no way I wasn’t going to cry, too! I…
So, I Have Been Asked To Be In The Delivery Room… Grandma’s Birthing Plan!
When my daughter asked if I would be in the delivery room with her and her husband, I almost cried with happiness. It was an honor to be asked, to say the least. I couldn’t have been offered a greater gift. When their first baby was born, I spent the night in the waiting room…
Grandma To The Rescue!
Two years ago my very first grandchild was born. The last two years have been eventful, exciting, and full of love. I guess having little ones around tends to bring out the best in all of us. Now my oldest daughter, Jessica, will soon be a mother for the second time. Which means little Sophie,…
Choosing Your Grandparent Name
When I first learned I was going to be a Grandmother, I was over the moon. Wow, a new journey in my life! After all, I had never been a grandparent before. I knew this new chapter in my life was going to be fun, but then I thought, “What will my ‘grandmother’ name be?” At first I…
Introducing Music To Your Children
Ever wonder how a year old baby knows how to “dance” even before learning to speak full sentences? I think it may be the beat of the music, since I am pretty sure they don’t understand the lyrics just quite yet. Introducing Music To Your Children They say music is the universal language. Almost everyone enjoys…
The Importance Of Doing Puzzles With Grandma
You have your grandchildren for the day, and it’s cold and raining outside…How about making some hot cocoa and pulling out a puzzle? Everyone loves the challenge of completing a puzzle! The Importance Of Doing Puzzles With Grandma Puzzles are a great way to spend valuable time interacting with your grandchildren. But, did you know…
Introducing Reading At An Early Age
It is important to encourage the love of reading early. Reading books with your child at a young age creates a loving and connected environment. Inspiring the love of reading early reinforces basic sounds that form words and create language. Children who love having a book read to them are more motivated to want to learn…
Cooking With Grandma
When you smell a fresh baked pie, or perhaps a juicy pot roast in the oven, what do you think of? For me, these smells trigger memories of my dear grandmother and I in her kitchen. Baking and cooking with grandma is an exciting adventure for most little girls, and when I would come to visit,…