Welcome sleepless moms! I haven’t had a full nights rest in over 2 years. Why, you ask? Because like you, juggling a toddler and a baby, working, and finding time for myself has left me sleepless, yet full of joy.

I have assembled a well-rounded team that’s here to share their struggles and successes with you, as well as offer support in any way possible. This is an interactive site and we are here to cater to your mom needs. Please feel free to contact our team members with new topics you want us to tackle or even simple questions about motherhood. That’s what we are here for….
Jessica — Mom of Sophie & Jake
Photo by: https://www.oxanaalexphotography.com
Styled by: http://www.nailastyling.com

Having a child in a foreign country has been quite a challenge to say the least. From European products to European doctors, an American mom can really be thrown off! I have found my favorite tool for advice is the comment section of mom blogs and websites of real women that give the low down of what to really expect as a first time mom without all the bells and whistles. I am excited for the opportunity to connect with other women like you and to share stories and advice on this crazy ride called motherhood.
Stacie — Mom of Audrey

After graduating, she relocated back to Los Angeles, where the obsession with getting healthier evolved! Dr. Mona’s journey became less about the physical aspects of healthy living, and more about the mindset of overall wellness. Since then, she’s furthered her education on nutrition and fitness, fallen in love with yoga, and transitioned to a plant-based diet.
Dr. Mona has spent the last 7 years truly embracing healthy living and educating those around her on how they can achieve their goals. Being a Doctor of Pharmacy, she’s studied the connection between pharmaceutical science and overall wellness, but still believes medication is only part of the equation. Her theory is that diet, exercise and lifestyle are equally as important (if not more). Most pharmacists believe in filling prescriptions, Dr. Mona believes feeling better stems from an overall healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Mona

Originally from Nebraska, I grew up out on the prairie with my family doing all sorts of fun farm stuff. I moved out to Los Angeles in pursuit of my dream as an actress. Moving into motherhood while still pursuing those dreams is a bit scary, but even more exciting. Auditioning with a baby bump was a blast!
I loved my childhood, which now living in a city, feels rather unique. I grew up with several brothers, my grandparents, and cousins all just a horse ride down the road. The realization of my childhood experience being so vastly different than my own child’s is a little daunting, if I’m going to be honest. Instead of family surrounding us, we have amazing friends who have become our LA family. We still plan on taking many trips back to good ‘ole Nebraska as well! For this country girl, it’s fun knowing I have my little California boy!
I’m excited to share my thoughts, my fears, my screw ups, and this crazy journey I’m on. I’ve already had so many amazing mamas who are friends and family share their stories along the way, and I’m really looking forward to continuing that legacy! It really is special that we women get to experience motherhood and are able to share with each other the most precious, and often times hilarious, moments of our lives!
Caitlin — Mom of Odin

Hey Sleepless Moms! I’m a 38 year old mom of three beautiful souls who rule my days and fill my heart.
I’m a Minnesota native, born and bred but currently reside in Wisconsin. My name Lynnaya is Swedish (typically spelled Linnea), some just say Naya for short. I love everything about country living, embracing the quiet whenever I can. I’m obsessed with DIY projects, I’m very creative, and love painting and decorating.
Even though I consider myself a homebody, don’t think for a second I’m going to miss out on the party! This mama can still party like it’s 1999! I pride myself on staying true to my roots and not allowing outside influences to effect my character and parenting. I embrace all my beautiful babies and their own unique qualities and try my very best to parent accordingly.
Good or bad I will say it like it is, my heart is always on my sleeve and I will ALWAYS be there for my friends and family. I’m quick witted, love a good prank, and I’m a sucker for cheesy jokes. My husband is often surprised at how ditzy I can be sometimes, but hey, when you haven’t had a full night’s sleep in 12 years you are bound to not get everything and may have the “deer in headlight” look at times! It’s all good though, I love to laugh even if it is at myself!
There has been nothing more difficult and rewarding at the same time as my journey through motherhood. I have struggled, cried, shivered in fear of the unknown, cringed, buried my head in embarrassment, laughed SO much and experienced love so pure and strong you know it could move mountains!
Motherhood has been the best time of my life and I’m looking forward to sharing my stories with all of you.
Lynnaya — Mom of Elly Mae, Ava, & Eli

Hi There! My name is Leann, and I’m so excited to be part of this dynamic team at Sleepless Mom! I was born and raised in Los Angeles and grew up on country music in a bikini! I have always had a passion for health and fitness, doing workout videos in my living room and trying every diet under the sun. I have now discovered my favorite, effective ways to stay fit and eat a nourishing delicious diet, and can’t wait to share with you!
Along with my nine to five office job, I teach Pilates and Barre, volunteer for Girls on the Run, compete in triathlons and races, and started a healthy meal prep delivery service! My love for spreading fun and fitness led me to create my own balanced lifestyle brand, Cowboy Hats and Yoga Mats. I plan women’s fitness retreats with local wellness brands, vendors and workout studios!
I geek out on the latest trends, studies and breakthroughs when it comes to nutrition, exercise and anything that helps us live our best life! I have my Bachelor’s in Health Science, and am Sports Nutrition Certified. You can find me hiking in Malibu, cruising on the Manhattan Beach Strand, at a concert, in yoga class, reading a new cook book, drinking wine with friends or shopping at the local farmers market!
Life is about balance. One of my favorite quotes is “Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.” I hope to provide this community with knowledge, including easy tips and tricks to create lasting health in ourselves and our growing families!
Hello fellow moms, stepmoms, and moms-to-be! My name is Pilar and over the last two years I have managed to survive being a stepmom to an awesome teenage boy. I am now about to give birth to my husband’s and my first child, and I am excited to welcome our baby girl into the world this March!
I am thrilled to join a community of other sleepless moms! I look forward to growing and learning from others experiences and hope that my experiences can do the same for others. I am passionate about many things in life and up until I became a wife and stepmom my passions were fantasy sports, cars, and traveling the world. Now my hobbies include, juggling work with eighth grade homework, meal planning, laundry, giving responsible advice to a thirteen-year-old, and loving the heck out of my husband, stepson, and soon my baby girl. Life has certainly changed but in the best way possible. I have held a lot of titles in my life, but “Mom” is one that I hold with the most pride.
I am also extremely passionate about raising awareness for gestational diabetes. A topic that is not talked about nearly as much as it should be. People become passionate about what they experience and when I was diagnosed with GD at 26 weeks of my pregnancy, I felt my world had been turned upside down.
Judging by looks and lifestyle alone no one would assume I, of all people, would be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. No way could I be diabetic. I was a Vegan and worked out every day! It’s part of the vegan lifestyle propaganda, if you are diabetic turn vegan and it will help reverse your diabetes. Wrong! My hormonal placenta clearly wasn’t cooperating with my plan on avoiding gestational diabetes.
Since diagnosed with GD I have found myself engulfed with education on the topic. Some days controlling my glucose levels feels like a full-time job but with proper education, a gestational diabetic nurse, and a gestational diabetic nutritionist, I have managed to keep my GD under control. My hope is to take my knowledge and experiences and help other women who are faced with gestational Diabetes overcome their struggles.
Pilar – Soon to be mom
Hey there Sleepless Moms! I am a 39 year old Mom to two beautiful girls, Nicole and Gigi. I’m also currently expecting a baby boy in March of 2021.
I’m originally from Los Angeles but have been living in Denver, Colorado for the past three years with my husband and toddler, Gigi. Although I miss California, mostly because my oldest daughter still lives there, I really have enjoyed living in Colorado and embracing the great outdoors. We snowboard in the winter and in the summer we love bike riding, going on hikes, and going to the lake. I love staying active, going on adventures with my family, being creative with at home projects and cooking delicious food. I’m a little obsessed with all things nutrition and try and eat healthy as much as possible but I also have a serious sweet tooth so I’m always trying to balance those two out.
My first child Nicole is in her early twenties and my toddler, Gigi is 18 months old so you can definitely say I’ve felt like a first time Mom all over again! Being a Mom has been the greatest blessing in my life. It’s the most difficult job in the world, but also the most rewarding. I was a young first time Mom and today my daughter has grown up to be the best human and my best friend. I feel so lucky to be able to go on the motherhood journey again with my toddler and baby boy on the way.
I look forward to sharing my stories with you, and learning from other Moms experiences. Hopefully my experiences can do the same for other Moms out there. I will soon have two babies under two so I’m excited to share my new adventures with you.
Denise — Mom of Nikki, Gigi, and Cash