The moment I became a mom, everything changed. I’m sure it’s the same for everyone reading this blog. The second your baby is born there is this overwhelming feeling of love and excitement and for me, fear. All I could think was “I am now responsible for this tiny little human. Everything I do, every decision I make will have an impact on their life.” That’s a lot of pressure!
Let me rewind a little…When I first found out I was pregnant I did what most moms do. I read all the books, took all the classes, changed my diet, ditched all the “unhealthy” stuff, etc… Once my son was born it just pushed me even further into a healthier lifestyle. At that time, my main focus was on our food and body products. I tried to buy organic as much as possible and only bought “natural” baby products for him, but I hadn’t made any changes to our medicine cabinet. I still turned to over the counter medicines when any of us got sick.
Fast forward 4 years to 2014. I now have 3 kids. Side note, going from 2 to 3 kids is no joke! Like it’s a whole new level of crazy I never knew existed! After my third was born things started to change for me. My anxiety was through the roof, I was not sleeping well (#SleeplessMom) and I had no energy. I just didn’t feel like myself. On top of that, my youngest started to get eczema all over her little belly. In both cases I went to the doctor and both times I walked out with prescriptions. Not once did either doctor talk to me about the “cause” of our problems. It was just, here’s a prescription…good luck. Or at least that’s how I felt.
After I left the office that day I went home, popped open my laptop and started researching more natural ways to take care of my family’s health. I kept seeing the same articles over and over. Essential oil this and essential oil that. Then I remembered seeing a friend post something about Young Living. I reached out to her that day and she told me about what essential oils had done for her family. I was instantly intrigued!
So like any mama bear, I did my fair share of research and fell in love with Young Living! I loved that you could visit their farms and see the process in person from seed to seal. This to me was equivalent to going to a restaurant and being able to see the chef in his perfectly pressed white coat, craft my plate of food. That feels good, right? Not only that, but Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, often referred to himself as a farmer despite his role at corporate. He has been quoted to say, “soil makes good oil” and I couldn’t agree more. He spent many years studying natural health and essential oils, which also intrigued me. This wasn’t another company jumping on the bandwagon. It was the company that led the bandwagon. He loved what he did and it was evident in the products he produced. I purchased my starter kit later that month and let me tell you…it has been one of the best purchases I have ever made.
Fast forward another 4 years to today. Not a day goes by that I do not use my oils in some way, shape or form. Now I’m a busy mom…like non-stop each day every day with kids, sports, PTA, Girl Scouts, work, hubby, cooking, cleaning, the list goes on and on and on! So if I can do this, literally ANY Sleepless Mom can. Oils are meant to be easy! And I need easy!
There are 3 main ways you can use your oils…
Aromatically (in a diffuser or just sniffing them lol). Did you know our sense of smell is the only one of our five senses that can reach our limbic system? What’s a limbic system, you ask? It’s the area in our brain that houses our memories and emotions, so if an oil claims to be uplifting, it is literally having a positive effect on your brain. Umm…Yes, please!
There have been many days where my beautiful, sweet, loving children have driven me to the point of borderline insanity. In those moments, I sneak away and will literally dump half a bottle of my favorite oil in my hands and just inhale all the awesomeness (that’s a word, I promise).
Topically (directly on the skin). I find myself using them this way most often. All you do is mix a couple drops of essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba and rub it wherever you need it. I like to make roller bottles with my oils so they are already diluted and ready to use whenever I need them. I make rollers to help with headaches, cramps, tummy aches… you name it, I’ve got an oil for that!
Internally. Guys, this again is what makes Young Living different. Very few essential oil companies have oils that are safe to ingest. Young Living has a whole Vitality line of oils that have been approved for internal use. And can I just say, one drop of lemon in your water tastes AMAZING!
I joke with people that essential oils were my gateway drug to a more natural lifestyle. The more I started learning about the oils, the more I started looking into everything I put in and on our bodies. These powerful little bottles have the ability to shift your entire life one drop at a time!
Happy Oiling!
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Love Stephanie and her products! Great job Mama!