Growing up, Father’s Day was always a fun opportunity to let my dad know how much I loved and appreciated him. Whether it was a craft I made for him in elementary school or the cologne I bought for him at the mall with the money I made from my first job, I just wanted him to know how special he was to me.
I’ve always had the most incredible amount of love and respect for my dad and I realized it even more after having kids of my own. Any parent knows, having children is the most selfless act there is. You go from just the two of you to a family just like that, and your whole world changes, for the better of course.
To my husband, on Father’s Day:
Every day I look at my husband with our two kids and I fall more and more in love with him. When we had our first, it was like I found a whole new love with my husband. Navigating the parent waters together is the best journey we’ve taken together. Once we had our second, our love grew even more, as husband and wife and as a family of four.
So this year, I would like to give him the gift of knowing how important he is to us. By not only telling him on Father’s Day, but showing him year round, to uplift him in every way possible and encourage him to be the best dad he can be. I’m so proud of us for meeting almost 15 years ago, staying married for 10 years, and knowing how important it is to not only make our kids a priority, but also our marriage. The unconditional love he shows for his family should be celebrated all year.
Happy Father’s Day, Kyle.
Jessica — Mom of Sophie & Jake
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