We used to say, “It’s Sophie’s world and we just live in it.”
She definitely was the little star in our family. So, naturally when baby Jake was born, we were a little concerned about Miss Sophie sharing the spotlight.

I don’t know how she knows, but she knows baby Jake is HER brother! She is always talking about him and loving on him (supervised of course). The first thing she says in the morning is “Where is baby Jake?”
It’s a little weird too, because it seems like overnight Sophie turned into this little girl, not a baby anymore. Maybe it may have been just what she needed, someone to share the attention with…maybe we were all giving her too much? She’s probably thinking now, “Thank goodness baby Jake is here, now they can give me a little space to show everyone that I really can do some things all by myself.”
Venita — Grandma of Sophie, Jake, and Audrey
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