Throughout pregnancy we experience bloating, weight gain, stretch marks…the list goes on and on. It’s almost like your whole body is zapped of energy and taken over by aliens. Hormones are that crazy!
While it may seem like you can’t catch a break, there is an upside — AMAZING hair!!!
While pregnant, you may get the voluptuous head of hair you have always dreamed of. Enjoy being a glamazon while you can, because unfortunately you are likely to lose it.
Dealing With Postpartum Hair Loss
After giving birth, your hair goes into a “resting” phase where your estrogen levels take a plunge causing your hair to fall out. It happens sometime around four months after delivery and will return to normal after six to twelve months.
Do not be alarmed if your hair falls out in chunks and you find strands all over your house. This is completely normal and your hair will go back to normal. If you are one of the lucky ones, you will keep your amazing hair while the rest of us new moms will secretly loathe you 🙂
Stacie — Mom of Audrey
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