I always start out the new year with so many resolutions that I hope to achieve. This year I’m starting realistic ones that I hope to maintain throughout the year.
Jessica’s New Year’s Resolutions
1. I would like to start cooking better for my family and actually have a sit-down dinner every night.
2. Lose those last 10 pounds from having baby Jake.
3. Make time for a date night with my husband at least once a week.
4. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
5. Be more 100 percent than half ass (because that’s how I’ve been feeling about everything I do lately).
6. I want to have more energy to enjoy all the beautiful things that life has to offer.
7. Connect with those who matter.
8. Potty train my daughter Sophie.
9. Enjoy every little moment with my two babies .
10. Literally laugh at the small things I can’t control.
I’m pretty sure I can think of 20 more things but this year I’ll focus on these top ten!
I’d love to hear some of your resolutions in the comments below!
Jessica — Mom to Sophie & Jake
Floss more. Read more. Drink less…😩
Love myself…..
Never let everyday life comsume me, and visit family more….
Be a better person….
Be a better mother….
Learn to forgive my ex…
Most importantly don’t sweat the small stuff, there is always tommorow!
Never and I mean Never let anyone make me less than I’m worth!