First of all, judge NO ONE! I have seen kids bite their moms and thought, “OMG how are you allowing this?!” Today, I’m here to tell you…the struggle is real! Audrey is 10 months old and has 7 teeth. Those 7 teeth have taken chunks out of every piece of furniture in the house and left my arms covered in bruises. I wish I could tell my girlfriends I got them from my kinky sex life, but no, they’re from the piranha I call Audrey.
Help! My Kid Is A Biting Machine!!
We’ve gotten through the terrible teething phase, and now we have a biter on our hands. Audrey has a really sweet temperament with a little bit of sass, wonder where she gets that from? 🙂
The biting started early. I figured she didn’t know what she was doing, and maybe her teeth were bothering her. Fast forward to almost her first birthday, and she’s still biting! Thankfully, it’s only me, and I try to tell myself that it’s a playful way to show me she loves me. Crazy, right? The things we tell ourselves as mothers.
I have tried everything to make her stop without any success. One of my friends even suggested to bite her back. This ended in a crying baby and my husband looking at me like I was a flesh eating zombie.
Just when I think she’s outgrowing this vampire phase, the biting comes back with a vengeance. I am told this is just a phase and something we have to get through….possibly in long sleeves. 🙂
Mothers out there who are also human chew toys, please comment below on methods that have or have not worked for you!
Stacie — Mom of Audrey
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