Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but this summer is HOT! And being super pregnant while it’s so hot is not my picture of a good time.
Being the red-haired, super fair gal that I am, heat and sun are already a challenge for me. I sunburn so easily, I get flushed when I’m even remotely heated, and I sweat…a lot…like not glisten, but SWEAT. Which let’s face it, may be healthy, but it is super uncomfortable.
This summer I’ve been trying everything to stay cool per usual, but have definitely had to up my game with pregnancy being added to the mix. I was already prone to swelling and water weight before pregnancy, especially when hot, so you can imagine how much quicker I’m sliding down that slippery slope of awesomeness!
Gotta Beat The Heat
Most days consist of staying in the AC with breaks in my day for “chair time.” Thank goodness for our recliner! But when I am headed outside, I don’t leave home without my arsenal of sun gear. Hats, (yes plural — whether it’s sun or baseball) light long-sleeved wraps/sweaters/shawls, SPF 50 (for the pregnant gals, I suggest those with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide to avoid skin irritation) SPF lip balm, Sunglasses, Lots of Water, and if we’re headed to a beach or park, you better believe there’s an umbrella in there.
Moving into August and September, traditionally the HOTTEST months of California weather, I think floating weightlessly in the pool as this bump gets crazy big is where I will spend most of my time — obviously in the shady part of the pool. And next pregnancy? You better believe we’re planning that one to happen over the winter holidays!
Caitlin — Mother To Be
Hats are KEY! I’m super fair too and legit have a panic attack when I forget my hat going to sunny places!