It’s so fun to see your child grow up. One minute, you are holding them for the first time, and the next they’re in preschool, kindergarten, or first grade, making huge strides. They are learning so much, and you couldn’t be prouder of them. As the school year draws to a close, you can show your child how proud you are by throwing them a graduation party! Here are a few ideas to celebrate your little one’s big accomplishments.
Celebrating Kindergarten Graduation
The first thing to do for your child’s kindergarten or first grade graduation is to send out graduation party invites. If you’d like to let your child help with the invitations, try going with a company that provides customized stationery. There are many options available, but my favorite is Basic Invite. They have tons of designs, and all of them are customizable, from font to color scheme. You and your child can spend some time together designing the invitations to be just right. And your little graduate will be so excited to send out cards they helped make! Check out Basic Invite’s custom graduation announcement cards, you’ll find just what you’re looking for.
Once you’ve got the invites sent out, you’ll want to plan a few activities for the party. One idea is to have the kids make memory books of the past school year. Print out copies of the class photo to give to each child. Get little booklets for everyone to put their photo in, and a few arts and crafts supplies to decorate with. Paints, crayons, markers, ribbon, buttons, stickers, and colored paper are all good supplies to have on hand for the kids to decorate with. Don’t forget glue sticks and tape for keeping everything in place.
Another activity is to have all the kids walk through their own mini graduation ceremony. You can have everyone dress up for the occasion, and set up an area in your backyard for the kids to make their graduation procession. You can use a small table as a makeshift podium and hand each child their own graduation certificate. Remember to take pictures as you hand them their diploma. Finish off the ceremony with cake and ice cream, or carrot sticks and dip if you want to provide something healthier.
Whether you decide to have a big party with several activities planned, or a smaller get-together with just some snacks, as long as you all have fun, your little grad will be so pleased and proud of themselves. And you’ll feel so glad that you were able to help them celebrate their accomplishments. Congratulations to you and your mini graduate. I hope your grad party is a blast!
Guest Writer ~ Sierra
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