Today has literally been one of the coolest days of my life. Audrey started walking!
I am certainly not one to be mushy about these things, but I am so excited, and let’s face it, a little proud.
To start off, I am not a cookie cutter mom by any means. I was maybe the most underprepared pregnant lady ever. I didn’t even tell people I was pregnant until I was 5 months along. I know it’s weird, but I think I was more shocked and majorly nervous.
My husband and I live in a foreign country with literally all our family on another continent so this has been our own little adventure. We literally have been winging this whole parent thing since day 1 and have done it our way.
We have been the perfect target for the overbearing moms who express concern over our daughter not crawling on time and pretty much everything else. I don’t think I have ever in my adult life asked another person when they started crawling. In the grand scheme of life, I’m not sure it’s a huge focus. 🙂
Audrey’s Walking!
So here we are, Audrey just turned 11 months old and is walking across the room. Audrey has done everything at her own pace. She didn’t start crawling until 10 months old, and when she did, there was no turning back. She immediately learned how to stand up and help herself off the couch. It was like she had been watching us all along and decided one day to just get up and cruise by herself.
It is truly amazing how these little minds work, and how they do everything on their time. The best piece of advice I have gotten is that every kid is different. Don’t try and rush these things, because they will come and they will go. Chill out and enjoy these moments with your babies! These are the best moments of our lives!
Stacie — Mom of Audrey
Great advice, Stacie! As a new mom, I find myself comparing my child’s progress to others and tend to get concerned over nothing. I just have to sit back and let my little guy go at his own pace. Thank you for this!